Please find the problem here.
The key for this problem is to find the recurring cycle. For human, finding the recurring cycle involve long division and finding repeating dividend. We can code exactly that by dividing, multiply the remainder by 10 (much like adding zero in long division), and divide again, until we see the same dividend again.
Answer: 983
Please find the problem here.
The key for this problem is to find the recurring cycle. For human, finding the recurring cycle involve long division and finding repeating dividend. We can code exactly that by dividing, multiply the remainder by 10 (much like adding zero in long division), and divide again, until we see the same dividend again.
namespace Euler { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; internal static partial class Program { public static void Problem026() { IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> recurringPartLength = GetRecurringPartLengths(); int maxLength = recurringPartLength.Select(t => t.Item2).Max(); Console.WriteLine(recurringPartLength.Single(t => t.Item2 == maxLength).Item1); } private static IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> GetRecurringPartLengths() { for (int d = 2; d < 1000; d++) { Tuple<List<int>, int> decimalRepresentation = GetDecimalRepresentation(d); if (decimalRepresentation != null) { IEnumerable<int> recurringPart = decimalRepresentation.Item1.Skip(decimalRepresentation.Item2 - 1); yield return Tuple.Create(d, recurringPart.Count()); } } } private static Tuple<List<int>, int> GetDecimalRepresentation(int d) { int n = 1; List<int> quotients = new List<int>(); // We need to stop when we see the same number to divide - we already know what would happen Dictionary<int, int> seen = new Dictionary<int, int>(); int position = 0; while (true) { n = n * 10; position++; int previousIndex; if (seen.TryGetValue(n, out previousIndex)) { return Tuple.Create(quotients, previousIndex); } else { seen.Add(n, position); int quotient = n / d; quotients.Add(quotient); } n = n % d; if (n == 0) { return null; } } } } }
Answer: 983
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